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Draw an Animal Caricature

Learn how to draw animal caricatures including elephants, rhinos and giraffes by embellishing their most prominent features with expert cartoon drawing tips in this free online art instruction 

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How to draw abird step by step

how to draw a bird

how to draw a bird

how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird
how to draw a bird

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How to Create Time for Painting step by step

  1. If space allows, let your art supplies and paint as you work on to avoid having to decompress before returning to work. 
  2. Clean every time you've finished painting, so wait your brushes ready for use when you repeatedly. 
  3. Organize your art supplies so you do not waste time looking for something when you paint. If you need to pack things away, keep the key in an article in hand and rarely used in another. 
  4. Work on more than one painting at a time, that way if it gives you trouble you can turn your attention to another until you have renewed enthusiasm and inspiration for painting problem ". 
  5. Carry a small sketchbook and sketch or doodle in it when you're stuck somewhere waiting. People will be curious about what you do, but you'll get used to. And time will go much faster! 
  6. 2) Take a half hour each day for yourself, getting up earlier (hard winter!) Or stay a little later (it may be difficult to ask for yourself that the family can still be awake). 
  7. Be more discerning in television you watch - the time would be better spent painting? Or how about using a sketchbook to sketch some of the scenes or faces in the program? 
  8. If you're in a situation where you can not use a sketchbook or doodle, daydream about painting. Reflect on process and visualize the results, consider what you will do next in a table. 
  9. Plan ahead if you have ideas for several tables that you want to do.Keep them in a file of ideas to keep a sketchbook work separate ideas for paintings. 
  10. Practice drawing the same object several times, focusing on capturing the essence each time, but with the long-term goal of accelerating the pace that you can observe and draw. 
  11. If you have children, consider hiring a childminder so you can paint.Well, you do when you go out for the evening or in the movies do you? So why not for painting? Especially if it's someone who can go out for a walk.

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10 Tips for Painting Dogs

Painting dogs can be very rewarding, but much work as any dog lover knows it is impossible to get a dog to sit while you work on obtaining the views just ... But there are things you can do to make your life easier when painting a dog. Here are 10 of them:
Dog Painting

 Tip 1: Do not create stress Even the best-trained dog can not remain motionless for hours (and it would be cruel to try), so do not stress trying to get that to happen. Doing quick sketches, taking photographs as a reference for the pose you want and make detailed studies of life when your dog sleeps - it may be the angle you want, but it's good practice for fur , muscles, and proportions. Ask your partner to walk your dog back and forth in front of you so you can observe and sketch (remember to have a reward at the hand for two when you're done!).
Painting Dogs 

Tip 2: Know Your Dog Breeds Each dog breed has its own characteristics, be it a pug nose short or curly hair of a poodle. Learn the basic shapes, proportions and characteristics of specific breeds and it goes to paint an individual dogs easy. If you paint a "pavement special", you will be able to use your knowledge of specific breeds of dogs to identify his assets likely. But at the same time, be sure to capture the individuality of a dog and do not paint a generic. Use it in the artists still use their knowledge of human anatomy used as a basis for the portrait.
Painting Dogs 

Tip 3: Hair dog hair is not only vary in length, color and curl, but it also grows in different directions on different parts of the body. This is visible even on the shorter-haired dogs. The face is an area where there are several "changes" in the grain.
Painting Dogs 

Tip 4: The Eye Start by observing that the demonstration in the dog's eyes are.Draw it, then the size of the pupil (black part of the eye), then the size of the iris (colored part), then the rest of the eye. If you get the highest point in the eyes of a dog in the right place and in the right proportion, the eyes look straight.
Painting Dogs

 Tip 5: Eye Colour Most dogs have brown eyes, but of course not all browns are the same, or uniform, so once again, be sure not to paint a generic eye color, but to scrutinize specific color of the eyes specific dog.The iris of the eyes of miniature dogs tend to not be very visible.Like humans, dogs can have eyes that are different colors, but this is rare.
Painting Dogs

 Tip 6: Ears Ears play an important role in the transmission of personality in a painting of a dog. Are they pitched, listening? Droopy? One is folded in on itself? Pay attention to where they are sitting on the head, because it varies from race well on the right side on top of the head. Also measure the length of the ear carefully - it could be much longer than you think!
Painting Dogs

 Tip # 7: The legs and feet The legs are the hardest to learn in life as if they do not move, they are often hidden by the body. Reference photos are very useful to ensure that you get "right" in the legs a hound. Once again the different races have their legs and feet characteristic, such as an English bulldog clamps do not touch the ground because of its thick short legs, while the claws of a stretch beyond Dobermannpads. If it is a long haired dog, watch the way the hair falls in dogs with short hair how muscle structure is different when the dog is sitting, walking or running. A puppy paws can be large in proportion to the rest of his body (and usually a sign of the size of a dog they will grow up to be).
Painting Dogs 

Tip 8: Tails A tail is not something stuck on the end of a dog above her hind legs. It is rather an extension of his spine and a crucial indicator of mood. Pay attention to how a dog usually holds its tail, if it prefers the slide left or right when she sits. Watch how hair grows and its color. tails with long hair are easier to paint than tails with short hair, which must be made accurately and in proportion to look realistic.
Painting Dogs 

Tip 9: older dogs The most obvious sign of age is a dog fur becomes white or gray around the jaw, and later the chest and front legs. Search for missing teeth and ground down, especially the canines.
Painting Dogs 

Tip 10: Give an idea of the scale If there is nothing in the painting of the dog look, how the viewer knows how big or small is it? (Not everyone is a dog lover and immediately recognize the breed!) Put something in the paint to give a sense of perspective, be it a ball, bone, trough, or the boot.Be creative in your composition, the paint does not automatically forward a dog, or human angle used to visualize a dog (ie, above).What about painting a dog from a puppy perspective?

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How To Draw a Sea Turtle

 . Start with an egg-shaped

First drawing of an egg-shaped inclined to the body of the turtle,with rounded bottom and the top slightly pointed. Then draw thefront flippers boomerang shaped, and add the rear flippers rathertriangular. Then draw the spoon-shaped head of the tortoise andneck

2. Add Details

Draw another egg-shaped within the first, let him join the top edgeas shown. To draw the shell pattern, add a row of crushed diamondshapes down the middle. Then add the turtle's eyes and mouth.
3. Finish Sea Turtle

Fill the tank by drawing dividing lines to the outer strip of the hull.Create the leathery skin of the turtle drawing a random pattern ofsmall marks here and there.

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Oil Painting Tip: Keeping White Paint Clean

 If you use oil paints and lack the discipline to keep a brush just forthe white paint (like me, I always end up mixing the paint with mybrush), a small palette knife in hand the pile of already mixed white(mixed with turpentine to get a consistency of mayonnaise) is usefulnot to dirty white. The very small palette knife does not tempt me touse it for mixing as I have a big why.

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Oil Painting Tips:How ToMake Your Own Fluid White

About 25 years ago I was first introduced to the method of wet on wet oil painting on a television show hosted by William Alexander. He used a thin oil-based mixture of white and called it "white magic". It was basically a white pigment in linseed oil, the consistency of cream. It coated the canvas with a very thin layer of white magic before it starts. Bob Ross, Robert Warren, and many others that you see on TV were students of William Alexander. I made my own version of the dilution on my tube of titanium white with linseed oil. It works very well.

Tip from: Josie L.

White Magic / white liquid will alleviate all the colors you use, are very good for distance on a landscape. It gives you the aerial perspective automatically! Then, the work of leading with only a medium of linseed oil, to get color in your session following table.

Remember, white magic / White liquid products are simply a mixture of materials to make a stand. They allow oil paint to flow more easily, and are very good for sub-layers. They also slow drying (curing) time of oil paints, so be aware of that. If you start with one of these products, be sure to use a stand with the other layers so that they adhere well. I worked on a wet painted white with both linseed oil and stand.

Then they do a great job, and I often use them to get a sky really well done, you do not use them on the big picture. Even if you do, you can authorize the work to set and return to them later with other layers.

Tip Susan Tschantz

I also make my own coat of clear base fluid to prepare a canvas for painting wet on wet. I mix a bit of linseed oil and half of half turpentine and then using a rag to wipe on a canvas. Just a little, do not drown the canvas.
Tip from: Don

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