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How to draw a sonic characters step by step

Want to learn how to draw an animated version of Sonic theHedgehog based? Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game characterand main character of the good guys Sonic video game publishedby Sega, as well as numerous spin-off comics, cartoons, and hisown film. Learn to take the next step by step drawing lesson thatlies below.
You might also enjoy our last draw Sonic Tutorial.

How to Draw Sonic the Hedgehog in Easy Drawing Tutorial

How to Draw Sonic the Hedgehog in Easy Drawing Tutorial

Step 1

Step 1 : Drawing Sonic's Face
Start off drawing a circle for the face….triangle like shapes for the ears and insides of ears. Draw a huge oval-ish shape for the eye.

Step 2

Step 2 : Drawing Sonic's Face
Draw a large oval inside the eye oval we just draw. This will be Sonic’s pupil. Also start drawing the left eye by drawing 2 upside down letter ‘u’s.

Step 3

Step 3 : Drawing Sonic's Face
As you can see, we used basic shapes, the face/head. Create a circle as base shape for the head, then add 2 more circles for the yes, and 2 for the pupils. The nose is an oval-ish form, and the mouth consist in  shape similar to a  sausage. The ears, are 2 rounded rectangles, finally, draw 3 guidelines that goes behind the head, this is for the peaks

Step 4

Step 4 : Drawing Sonic's Face Adding details to the face and head. Draw curved lines around the dashed lines, as you can see in the image, and you`ll finish the peaks, add details to the face drawing  semicircles and over the guidelines.

Step 5

Step 5 : Drawing Sonic the Hedgehog Step by Step Drawing Lesson
The body. Start off drawing two circles, one for the chest, and another for the belly, then let`s add some guidelines and small circles for the arms, also for the legs

Step 6

Step 6 : Drawing Sonic the Hedgehog Step by Step Drawing Lesson Step 3. ; the fingers and hands, including the gloves, consist in semicircles,

Step 7

Adding details to the body. Let`s draw around the guide lines of the arms, and legs, remember to add the tail and other peaks.

Step 8

Finished Drawing of Sonic the Hedgehog
Finally, just erase the guidelines, darken the ‘right’ lines, and you have a great picture of Sonic the Hedgehog to show off to your friends with.

Step 9 : Coloring Sonic the Hedgehog

You don’t need to colorize Sonic, but if you want to, above are the traditional colors that he is colored in.

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1 التعليقات:

If you want to learn how to draw, chances are you've tried already and made a bit of a mess of it. Don't worry, nobody can create a masterpiece right away; it takes time and practice before you can learn how to draw and make it look really good.
how to draw

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