Step 1. As you can see the first steps looks really simple. All you do is draw the guidelines years to form forms a frame for the ninja in action. First make a circle for the head, then a circle for the shoulder. You will then draw a square shape for the torso and draw the guidelines for membership arms, legs and sword. Do not forget to form the feet and hands
Step 2. However, in this step, you add the guidelines for the face and begin to shape the body of your ninja. You will first need to thicken the sword and then work on to outline the shape of the arms which carry a costume too loose. Write a few lines for the fingers and then work on to outline the lining wrinkled leg and the lower right side of the body.
Step 3. You will now draw the shape of the torso as shown in here, then the shape of the right arm. The surface of the left leg and foot are coming and the shape of the ion of lower leg right.You then draw the shape of the inner face of the ninja mask and add trim to the left arm and fingers
Step 4. You will notice that your ninja begins to take shape. You willnow draw the shape of the pillow hand on his right hand, then therest of his left arm. Details and forms the head covering and faceby adding in the eyes and eyebrows. You'll need to draw a line upfor the mask, then the information on the sleeve of his right arm as shown. Finish this step by outlining the wrinkled lining of the right leg and his left boot detail.
Step 5. This is your last drawing step. So what you do is finishdrawing the sword, then give this ninja eyeballs and pupils and ahint of a nose ahead laid the mask a bit. You will then erase all theguidelines and shapes you drew No one step and begin to defineand detail your ninja
Step 6. When you've finished your design should come out lookinglike that. Now you can color it any color in the choice of three stylish colors: black, white or dark green. Who will do it for this tutorial onhow to draw a ninja step by step. I'll be back with more stick aroundgangs.
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